Aurora, Illinois based artist, George Shipperley creates dreamlike landscapes and still-lives exquisitely rendered in oil pastel. Though these scenes often seem to recall real places and objects, Shipperley


is driven purely by imagination and improvisation, creating harmonious compositions with rhythmic design. Shipperley has been featured in numerous publications including the Pastel Journal and theArtist Magazine, and garners a prestigious first placeaward from the Oil Pastel Society.


“I am inspired by nature, especially trees and how they relate to one another.”


“The Sky and land must stir our emotions by the very nature of their rhythm and communication with each other.”


-George Shipperley.


Winter Grays 16 x 15 (9 x 8) $850


Winter Grays 16 x 15 (9 x 8) $850


Shipperley’s work is about how pastel is applied, as much if not more than what is depicted. The smudging of blues into grays, the repetitive blending and wiping of pigment, the spontaneous apparition of vermillion— these gestures form a landscape that evokes the experience of standing in a frigid forest without everrendering ice or bark. In his work , trees and flowers are identifiable not in the taxonomic sense but rather bythe feeling one gets from viewing them. In this sense, Shipperely is an expressionist, an artist who seeks to express emotions and ideas rather than physical reality.



-Lauren Miller, Gallery Associate


Stoke of Red 20 x 20 (13 x 13) $1,600


Stoke of Red 20 x 20 (13 x 13) $1,600




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