A mere seven weeks stand between us and our move to our new home in Stoughton Wisconsin. With much help from our fantastic artists and supportive friends, we near the completion of the renovations to 524 East Main St. The process has been arduous and the progress slow at times — hours of pulling nails, hauling drywall, priming and painting have gone into this exciting project and we cannot wait to share it with everyone.
As exciting as it is to see the space come together, we are even more anxious to start installing the artwork in the new space. We have so many exciting shows planned this year. We will be celebrating the grand opening with new oil pastel paintings by George Shipperley, and a group show of animal imagery titled “Birds and Beasts.” We also have shows coming up throughout the season featuring the work of John S. Miller, Kay Brathol-Hostvet, Alica Czechowski, and Diane Washa.
We are busy completing the construction of walls on our second floor for the new No.5 Gallery space which will be our new alternative arts space where we will host some very compelling installations, video pieces, and other multimedia events including shows by Chele Isaac, sculpture by Nathan Hatch, and a show of prints from the Madison based print collective Vox Populi.
We will be open in Paoli during normal hours (Tuesday-Sunday from 10-5) through Mother’s Day on May 12th, then will close until our Grand Opening in Stoughton on the 24th of May.
Basement - Artists studios under construction. We will be working to complete the studios this summer.
Basement - Artists studios
Upstairs - before walls were constructed for storage and #5 Gallery
Main floor gallery